dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2018


During the 2018-2019 academic year, the children are doing an English workshop at midday, directed by Fundesplai. This quarter, we haver learned mainly: the numbers and colours, the vocabulary of daily routines, the home, the autumn season, and about Halloween. We are working on the thematics through songs, drawings, riddles, mime, games and eventual crafts.

We show some of the activities we have done so far:

Games and drawings about colours and numbers


 Mime and draw in pairs to guess English vocabulary

The Halloween Tunnel

We show you a small video of this special day :

It was a fantastic surprise for them!

Com cada any, els monitors de migdia de l'escola preparem diferents activitats per realitzar amb els infants d'educació infantil.

Durant el primer trimestre del curs 18/19 estem treballant a través de diferents contes, activitats, jocs i cançons la igualtat del gènere i la violència zero a l'estona del migdia.

Com ja sabeu, anirem compartint les nostres experiències amb tots vosaltres perquè pugueu gaudir-les també!

L'equip de monitors i monitores de Fundesplai

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